Users and groups

Usage limits for users and groups are determined by your plan.

Adding, editing and removing users

From the Settings > Users tab you can view, add, edit, and remove users from SquaredUp.

User groups

You are able to control the access of users by assigning them to specific user groups.

There are two default groups:

  • Everyone includes all users on the platform and is updated when you add or remove a user from your organization
  • Administrators are given full access to the platform

You can also create your own groups:

  • Custom enables you to create your own custom groups of users. These groups have no special privileges - they are just used to manage users for use in Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Manage Access

User access is controlled per workspace. By default, users in the Everyone group have full control, but for each workspace specific user groups can be given Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions. See Workspaces.

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