
Use workspaces to model your teams and entities, and the dependencies between them, to enable greater collaboration and knowledge sharing. A workspace may represent an application, a service, a component, a team… it's completely up to you. Each workspace has its own dashboards, data sources, monitors and scopes.

Each workspace has an overview page that you can access by clicking on the workspace name on the left-hand menu. There is a Workspace settings button at the top of each workspace overview page.

Additionally, each workspace has its own health which is rolled-up from its dashboards, monitors, and downstream dependencies.

How to add, edit and delete workspaces

From the Settings > Workspaces tab you can view, add, edit, and delete workspaces.

Workspace Home

If you have the Default page option set to Workspace overview in the workspace settings, then the workspace home is displayed whenever you navigate to a workspace (after configuring a data source).

The workspace home presents an overview of the dashboards, monitors, data sources and health states within a workspace. This information is displayed across the Health, Data Sources and Map sections.


The Health section lets you to view the rolled-up health state of the monitors and dashboards within your workspace. Use the filters at the top of the section to toggle between Monitors and Dashboards view and then use the adjacent Sort and State filters to control what is displayed. Click a monitor or dashboard in the list to open it. See What are status rollups?

Data Sources

The Data Sources section displays a list containing each of the data sources configured for the workspace, in addition to the Status of the data source and the count of objects it includes. Click a data source name to quickly open the corresponding overview page.


The KPIs section lets you see all the KPIs in this workspace at-a-glance. See KPIs.


The Map section displays an interactive model of the dependencies with this workspace. See Map for more information.

Displaying workspace state

Your Organization home page shows the state of each workspace.

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