
The map allows you to explore objects in your environment, their health, and the relationships between them. The objects include those that you create – such as your workspaces, dashboards and tiles – and objects imported by your data sources. Using the map, you can easily visualize the structure of your environment and identify where issues are occurring.

Accessing the map

You can access the map in three places:

  • The Map tab within in a workspace
  • A Workspace overview
  • An object drilldown

Accessing the map from the two locations displays an expansion of the current workspace, showing the dashboards it contains.

Accessing the map from an object drilldown shows the corresponding object and any objects it is connected to.

Although these are different starting points, the map forms a singular connected space that can be explored. This means that it is possible to view data source objects by starting in a workspace map and vice versa.

What the map shows

Types of object

  • Workspace
  • Dashboard
  • Monitor
  • Data source object
  • circle
    Group of objects


The ring around an object is called the halo, which represents the pinned status and health state.

Pinned status

  • A solid halo shows that the object is "pinned". A pinned object is always shown on the map unless unpinned.
  • A dashed halo shows the object is "unpinned". An unpinned object may be hidden from the map if a connected node is collapsed.

Health state

The health state is reflected by the color of the relationships and icons in the map, as follows:

  • Error: Red
  • Warning: Amber
  • Healthy: Green
  • No health: Grey


Lines connecting objects in the map show, and are called, relationships. Relationships are directional and labelled. Some relationships are built-in (for example, a workspace containing a dashboard) and others are created by the data source when objects are indexed.

Interacting with the map

Hovering on an object reveals the object toolbar which has the following options:

  • Expand /
    Collapse: Expands the object relationships to show the connected objects, or collapses the relationships to hide the connected objects. The number of connected objects is shown in parentheses.
  • Ungroup: If a group of objects, ungroup a specific object or all objects.
  • Pin /
    Unpin: A pinned object is always shown on the map unless unpinned. An unpinned object may be hidden from the map if a connected node is collapsed. Click the object to toggle the pinned state.
  • Fix position /
    Release position: Fixing the position of an object on the map prevents it from changing position when the map layout changes – for example, when you expand further objects.
    Releasing the object position means the object is automatically positioned the next time the map layout changes.
    An object’s position can be changed by dragging the object. When an object is dragged it takes on a fixed position.
  • Drilldown: Navigates to the object drilldown page.

Modifying the view

The view toolbar is located in the bottom-left of the map and provides options for the whole map:

  • Fullscreen: Show the view full screen. This option is only available when the view is tiled.
  • Zoom in /
    Zoom out: Adjusts the zoom level of the map. The zoom can also be controlled with the mouse scroll wheel.
  • Fit to screen: Automatically adjust the zoom level to fit all objects in the view space.
  • Layout: Rearrange the position of the map elements to one of the following layouts:
    • Network: Shows connected objects distributed in all directions.
    • Hierarchy vertical: Shows a top-down view, using the direction of the relationships to position "source" objects at the top, and "destination" objects at the bottom.
    • Network horizontal: Shows a left-to-right view, using the direction of the relationships to position "source" objects to the left, and "destination" objects to the right.
  • Collapse all: Collapses all objects in the view, hiding any objects that are unpinned. This is useful to tidy up the view by just showing the pinned objects.

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