Organization home
You can see your Organization home page by clicking on the SquaredUp logo or the first item on the dropdown next to the workspace name.
The Organization home page shows all the workspaces, dashboards and monitors in your organization, and a rollup of their state. See What are status rollups?
The sort and filter options allow you to create a status view that works for you.
By defining workspace attributes such as tags and types, you can show only the workspaces that matter to you. For example, you might like to show only the workspaces of type application
which are tagged as tier:1
or tier:2
. Workspace tags and types are set in the workspace settings, see Workspaces. Dashboards and Monitors inherit the tags and types from their workspace.
From this rollup view, you can drilldown by clicking on a workspace, for example a workspace showing as critical to explore more about the possible root cause of the issue.
What are status rollups?
This feature is available with a Pro or Enterprise plan .
Rollups aggregate status across workspaces to provide high-level summaries that make it easier to communicate status across the business. One place to visualize the big picture and bring together everything you need to stay in control.
This short video (2 mins 20) shows status roll-ups in SquaredUp:
Start by configuring a monitor on a dashboard tile (see Monitors). The monitor state will automatically rollup to the dashboard and in turn to the workspace.
Use the Organization home page to visualize the state of all your interests in one place.How to change your organization name
From Settings > Organization you can change the name of your organization in SquaredUp. By default, the name of an organization is the email address of the first user who signed in to SquaredUp.
To change the name of your organization:
- Browse to Settings > Organization
- Enter the name of your organization.
Click Save.
When new users are invited to join an organization, the organization name will be included in the email invitation. The organization name is used throughout SquaredUp.
Change Display Theme
You can choose to display the SquaredUp application in either Dark or Light mode. By default, the display mode used is decided by your system preferences. But this can be easily changed by clicking Account on the navigation bar and choosing a different option.