This feature is available with a Pro or Enterprise plan .
Dashboard sharing allows view-only dashboards to be shared with anyone, as no user license is required to view the shared dashboard. The URL of a shared dashboard can be distributed, for example via email, or the dashboard can be shown on wall monitors.
What are shared dashboards?
Users who can see shared dashboards can see the whole dashboard, which updates as normal, but these users cannot click to interact with the data.
Shared dashboards:
- Do not consume a user license.
- Refresh as normal, every minute.
- Are not interactive, so there is no option to change the timeframe.
- Don't show the left-hand menu.
- Have a different dashboard URL to the normal dashboard URL.
- Give users an option to login if they click to drilldown on the shared dashboard.
Only standard dashboards can be shared, not other pages such as the Monitoring or Map pages.
Organization administrators can control the overall sharing options, with the default option being Anyone with the link can view. Workspace administrators can switch sharing on or off for a workspace, and dashboard editors can then share individual dashboards. These settings are described below.
Sharing a dashboard
To share a dashboard, click the Share
button a the top of the dashboard page to open the Share window, and then configure the sharing options.The sharing options available for a dashboard depend on the overall sharing options set by administrators at the organization level, and whether the workspace editors have switched sharing on or off for that workspace. See Sharing settings
Licensed users with editor access and above to the workspace can change the sharing level for an individual dashboard in that workspace. See Workspaces.
User sharing
For free tier users, the Users section of the Share window lets you control who can view the dashboard. By default, only users in a tenant have access to the dashboards in that tenant but you can add more users by entering their email address in the field and clicking Invite user.
Free tier users are limited to three additional users per dashboard.
Link sharing
This feature requires a paid user license.
Licensed users with viewer access to the workspace can click the Share button and copy the sharing link when viewing the interactive dashboard, but only using the existing sharing options. Dark or light mode can be selected from the URL bar before clicking Copy link.
Users with Full Control access to the workspace can see and click the Settings link to go and edit the workspace settings.
Restrict access to this workspace:
Optionally, enable this toggle to limit who can access this workspace.
You can control access to workspaces by setting up permissions, where you can assign Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions to users or groups. If you do not set permissions when creating a workspace, then anyone will be able to view, edit and administer it.
By default, Restrict access to this workspace is set to off. The workspace can be viewed, edited and administered by anyone. If you would like to control who has access to this workspace, switch Restrict access to this workspace to on.
Use the Restrict access to this workspace dropdown to control who has access to the workspace:
- By default, the user setting the permissions for the workspace will be given Full Control and the Everyone group will be given Viewer permissions.
- Tailor access to the workspace, as required, by selecting individual users or user groups from the dropdown and giving them Viewer, Editor or Full Control permissions.
- If the user is not available from the dropdown, you are able to invite them to the workspace by typing in their email address and then clicking Add. The new user will then receive an email inviting them to create an account on SquaredUp. Once the account has been created, they will gain access to the organization.
- At least one user or group must be given Full Control.
- Administrator users are able to modify the ACL and delete the workspace.
Access Level
Administrators have special ‘administrative’ access to all workspaces. This means they see all workspaces listed under Settings > Workspaces, and they can modify workspace properties, including the ACL, for any workspace.
Administrators do not see all workspaces in the main dashboarding area of SquaredUp, and do not have any access to the contents of workspaces unless they add themselves to the workspace ACL.
When Sharing is enabled for the organization the Allow dashboard sharing toggle is shown and can be enabled or disabled for the workspace. Sharing allows dashboards in the workspace to be shared with anyone. See Sharing.
The Settings link is only available to administrators and takes you to Settings > Sharing.
Sharing settings
This feature requires a paid user license.
Sharing can be configured at the organization, workspace and dashboard levels, with sharing restrictions filtering down from organization to workspace to dashboard. For example, if Anyone with the link can view is set to off at the organization level, then that option cannot be selected when sharing the dashboard. Or if sharing is set to off for a workspace then dashboards in that workspace cannot be shared to anyone who does not have a user license.
Configuring the sharing options for the organization
Sharing options are set in Settings > Sharing, where administrators can set which sharing options are available to be used.
When both options are set to on, users can choose the level of sharing when sharing the dashboard.
When Anyone in my organization can view is on the email domains should be entered in the box below, for example
. Users can then be sent a link to a shared dashboard, and they are prompted to sign-up to create an account, using the corresponding email address, before viewing the shared dashboard.
Changing sharing options
Disabling the sharing options here will restrict access across all dashboards. Dashboards that are already shared will change to the more secure level, or have their sharing disabled.
You will see the Shared with column in the table on the sharing settings page change for each shared dashboard when you disable previously enabled sharing options.
- If Anyone in my organization can view is changed to off, then dashboards shared at this level will have sharing disabled.
- If Anyone with the link can view is changed to off, then dashboards shared with Anyone will change to Organization.
Re-enabling the sharing options will allow already shared dashboards to revert to their previous sharing option with the same sharing URL as before.
Disabling sharing
Sharing is disabled when both options are off, as only licensed users can view dashboards by logging in as normal. The sharing option does not then show for workspaces, and the sharing button on a dashboard will allow users to share the normal dashboard URL with licensed users.
is not secure as it would allow anyone with this kind of email address to view dashboards.
Managing shared dashboards
Settings > Sharing shows a list of shared dashboards. Administrators can see all shared dashboards, and workspace administrators can see shared dashboards in their workspaces.
Sharing of individual dashboards can be disabled and re-enabled using the play and pause buttons, and sharing Status is shown:
- Green Active shows that the dashboard is being shared.
- Amber Disabled shows that a dashboard's sharing has been disabled. Sharing can be re-enabled by clicking the triangular play button. After pausing dashboard sharing the dashboard sharing URL remains the same.
- Gray Sharing disabled indicates that this dashboard is no longer shared, as sharing has been disabled at the workspace or organization level.
You can delete a share for an individual dashboard using the bin button. If sharing is later re-enabled for this dashboard then the sharing URL will be different. This can be useful if you want to stop all users accessing a shared dashboard if they have been sent the URL, until users are sent a new sharing URL.
Configuring sharing for a workspace
Sharing can be switched on or off on a per workspace basis in the workspace settings from Settings > Workspaces. Sharing is on by default.
Any licensed user with editor access and above to a workspace can share dashboards in that workspace.
For information on workspace settings see Workspaces