Adding a ServiceNow destination
This feature is available with an Enterprise plan
After configuring a ServiceNow notification destination, when a monitor enters an unhealthy state (turns red), SquaredUp will create an incident in ServiceNow.
When a monitor enters a healthy state (turns green), SquaredUp adds a comment to the incident indicating the state change. However the incident will not be resolved in ServiceNow, as it is left to the user to decide if and when an incident is resolved.
This is particularly useful if the monitor is oscillating between red and green, as this behavior will display as comments on a single incident rather than opening and closing multiple incidents.
Before you start
When adding a ServiceNow notification destination in SquaredUp, no configuration is required within ServiceNow itself. However, you may want to create a specific user within ServiceNow to use with the SquaredUp destination.
The user will appear as the caller on ServiceNow incidents that are created by SquaredUp. This user must have permissions to create and add comments to incidents, however permissions to change the state of incidents (e.g. mark as resolved) are not required, given that this is left to the user.
Adding a destination in SquaredUp
A new destination can be configured when adding a notification rule in the Monitors section inside a workspace, or under Settings > Notifications
Destination Name:
Enter a name for your destination. This helps you to identify this destination in the list of your destinations.- Username:
Enter your ServiceNow username. - Password:
Enter your ServiceNow password. - URL:
Enter the URL of your ServiceNow instance. Test:
Click to send a test notification and check that it is working as expected.