CSV plugin

The CSV plugin allows you to visualize CSV data, which can be either read from a CSV file or entered manually.

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Restrict access to this data source:
    You can enable this option if you only want certain users or groups to have access to the data source, or the permission to link it to new workspaces. See data source access control for more information.

  3. Click Update to add the plugin.

Next steps

Once you've added a CSV data source, you can start creating dashboards to visualize your data.

Data streams

Data stream
Allows you to visualize data imported from a CSV file. You must specify the location of the file you want to read data from.
  1. CSV location:
    Select the location of the CSV file you want to read. Currently, only Web URL is supported.
  2. URL:
    Enter the URL of where the CSV file you want to read is located.
  3. Has Header Row:
    Select this checkbox if the file you are reading treats the first row as a header. If left unchecked, then numbers are used to represent the data column headers.
  4. Advanced Options:
    Click to display the following additional configuration options:
    • Delimeter:
      Enter an alternative delimiter for the data in the CSV file. For example, a semicolon ";".
    • Skip Lines:
      Enter the number of lines in the file to skip before importing CSV data. This is useful in circumstances where the file includes some sort of intro text.
    • Ignore Certificate errors:

      If you activate this checkbox the data source will ignore certificate errors when accessing the server. This is useful if you have self-signed certificates.

Raw Text
Allows you to manually specify CSV data to visualize.
  1. CSV Text:
    Enter or paste the CSV data that you want to visualize.
  2. Has Header Row:
    Select this checkbox if the file you are reading treats the first row as a header. If left unchecked, then numbers are used to represent the data column headers.
  3. Advanced Options:
    Click to display the following additional configuration options:
    • Delimeter:
      Enter an alternative delimiter for the data in the CSV file. For example, a semicolon ";".

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