SQL Analytics (Beta)

SQL Analytics allows you to carry out advanced manipulation of data using a SQL query before you visualize it.

For example:

  • You might ask 'What is the average time difference between a ticket created and resolved?' You can use SQL to calculate the difference between the ticket created and resolved time, then you can visualize the Mean Time To Resolution (MTTR).
  • For AWS CloudWatch data you might want to know 'What is the 95% percentile response time of my microservice?' use SQL to query the data, and then show the Service Level Indicator (SLI).
  • You can also combine entry points and query them before visualizing the data. You might combine your Azure Cost data with your Azure Monitor data and ask 'What is the potential cost saving of turning off my unused VMs?'

Switch to the Analytics Editor

When editing a tile, click on Enable SQL Analytics at the top of the screen. This changes your view from the simple tile editor into the more advanced SQL Analytics Editor. It's best to decide whether you want to stick with the SQL Analytics Editor for a particular tile, or with the simple editor, rather than switching between the two.

If you exit out of the SQL Analytics Editor, choosing to revert to using the simple editor for this tile, then you lose your SQL queries and datasets, as only the first dataset is saved.

As with the simple editor, you can still add Monitoring or KPIs.


A dataset is the data stream and selected objects combined. If you had already selected a data stream and objects in the simple tile editor, this will be shown as dataset1 and you will be taken straight to the SQL tab.

Datasets can be renamed by clicking the tab of the dataset to enable editing – hit Enter to save the change, hit Escape to cancel. For example, if you are looking at Zendesk tickets you might rename dataset1 to tickets.

The new name must be alphanumeric, with no spaces or punctuation. At the point of renaming, if the SQL query is unmodified, the name of the dataset is automatically updated in the SQL query.

Dataset buttons

Use the following buttons to create new, copy existing and delete data sets:

  • Add dataset
    : Click to create a new dataset, allowing you to add in further data and then configure the data stream and objects to show the data you want. A new tab appears with a sequential name – dataset2, dataset3, etc. Each dataset can be configured to use a different timeframe, if required, or use the dashboard timeframe.

  • Clone: Accessed by hovering over a tab and selecting more
    . Click to create a new dataset using the properties of an existing one. The copy is initially assigned the name of the original dataset followed by "copy". For example, ticketsCopy. You can then rename and edit the dataset as required.
  • Delete: Accessed by hovering over a tab and selecting more
    . Click to permanently delete a dataset.

SQL Query

This uses standard Structured Query Language (SQL).

The SQL tab of the SQL Analytics Editor will show everything from the first dataset, as a simple query:

Select * FROM tickets

You can edit this query to be something more complex. For example, to find the average difference between two different times you can use DATEDIFF and display this it as 'MTTR':

SELECT AVG(DATEDIFF(HOUR, created_at, updated_at)) AS MTTR FROM tickets

You can also use SQL to query data from more than one dataset, or combine data with a JOIN, etc.

Click Execute to view the SQL Output at the bottom of the screen.

When you are happy with the tile configuration, click Save.


The Columns tab of the editor allows you to format the columns of the Data table you retrieve from data streams.

Typically, SquaredUp automatically defines the metadata retrieved from-built-in data streams so that the received data is assigned the correct data type, enabling visualizations to be configured out of the box.

However, in some circumstances (such as when retrieving data using the Web API plugin, scripting, or using custom query data streams such as Splunk Enterprise plugin) you may want to override the data type or the data type may not be quite correct - in which case this tab allows you to manually select a different data type from the Type dropdown.

Additionally, this tab also allows you to rename and copy the data columns you receive.


The table contains each data column received by the data stream, and is used to format the following.

The column name. This can be overwritten by clicking the cell and entering a new value.
The data type of a column. This can be overwritten by selecting a new value from the dropdown. Some data types have advanced settings that can be configured in the Options section, displayed by clicking the expand button next to the Name, see Options.
Displays the original value of the column.
Displays the formatted value of the column.
Add a copy of this column (button)
Click to duplicate the column. The copied field displays Copy of [field name] above its Name.
Remove this column (button)
Click to delete a copied column.


Some data types have additional formatting that can be applied to a column in the Options section, displayed by clicking the expand button next to the corresponding Name.

Output Format
Enter a custom format to display data values as a string. For example, dd/mm/yy.
Input Format
Enter the format that corresponds to the inputted date. For example, if your data has values such as 05/27/24 01:44 PM, then the Input Format should be set to dd/mm/yy hh:mm aa.
This field is required if the data string for the column are not ISO-8601 formatted. For example, 2024-09-09T13:52:25.281Z.
Select the currency to display the value in. This does not convert the currency value.
Decimal Places
Formats the number of decimal places for a supported data type. Enter a value between 0 and 20.
Link Text
Specify the text of the URL links in the column.
Format as duration
Toggle between displaying the time value in minutes and seconds or seconds.
Map Values to States
Define the values that trigger states. Select a value for each of the corresponding dropdowns:
  • Success
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Unknown


Select the visualization for your tile. Which visualizations are offered to you depends on the data available, for example Line Graph will only be offered if there is time series data.

If you exit out of the SQL Analytics Editor, choosing to revert to using the simple editor for this tile, then you lose your SQL queries and datasets, as only the first dataset is saved.

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