SCOM plugin

For more information about what this plugin does and the data streams it retrieves, see:


Monitor your SCOM environment, including Windows Computers, Enterprise Applications and more.

The SCOM data source is for accessing data in your on-prem SCOM environment, see How to add a SCOM data source

The SCOM Managed Instance data source is for accessing data in the PaaS monitoring service. See How to add a SCOM Managed Instance (MI) data source

Blog: SCOM MI data source

How to add the data source

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

This is an on-prem data source.

Before you start

Configuring the agent for a SCOM data source

The SquaredUp agent service uses the local system identity by default. SCOM uses Windows authentication which requires at a minimum Network Service or a Domain User account, the agent you use for the SCOM data source needs to have its service identity changed to such an account.

When using a NetworkService account, the computer account the agent is running on must be added to a Read Only Operator Role. If using a domain account for the service, the service account must be added to SCOM in a Read Only Operator role.

Configuring and deploying an agent

If you have already created an agent in SquaredUp that you can use for this data source, you can skip this step and choose the agent group you want to use while adding the data source.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Agent Group:

    Select the Agent Group that contains the agent(s) you want to use.

  3. SCOM Management Server:
    Enter your SCOM management server as a FQDN, for example server.domain.local
  4. Dashboard Server SCOM Edition URL:
    Optional. If you use SquaredUp DS for SCOM, you can enter the URL to your instance. This will create a link from a SCOM object in SquaredUp to the same object in your SquaredUp DS for SCOM.
    Enter the URL to the root domain including https, for example: https://myserver.mydomain/SquaredUp/
  5. Advanced Settings:
    Optionally, select the Advanced Settings check box to display the Custom Classes section, which allows you to retrieve additional classes from SCOM.
    1. Click the Add new custom classes button to display the entry fields.
    2. Enter a name for the additional class in the Class name field. For example, Windows Computer.
    3. Enter / paste the JSON for the class you want to import in the Custom class JSON field. For example:
            "name":"Import class 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer'",
                  "name":"Import related class 'Microsoft.Windows.LogicalDevice'",
    4. Optionally, click the Add another custom class button to add an additional class and enable another line of entry fields.
      Here is a functional example of Custom class JSON you can enter to imports the Web Application Test Web Test Base class from SCOM:
            "name":"Import class 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.WebApplicationTest.WebTestBase'",

  6. Optionally, select whether you would like to restrict access to this data source instance. By default, restricted access is set to off.

  7. Click Add.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

How to add the SCOM Managed Instance (MI) data source

The SCOM Managed Instance data source is for accessing data in the SCOM MI PaaS monitoring service. Use the instructions in this section to configure SCOM MI and add the SCOM MI data source to SquaredUp.

If you only have the traditional on-prem SCOM (and have followed the instructions to add the SCOM data source above) and do not have SCOM MI then you do not need to use this section to add the SCOM MI data source.

Before you start

Configure SCOM Managed Instance in Azure

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Search for SCOM Managed Instance and click on the instance to connect to SquaredUp.
  3. Under Reports click the PowerBI tab.
  4. Copy DB Name and DB Host URL. You will use these in the next section adding the data source to SquaredUp.
  5. Click the SquaredUp link at the bottom of the page to login to your SquaredUp organization, and follow the steps in the next section to add the data source.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. DB Name:
    The database name of the SCOM MI data warehouse. This value can be found in the Reports section of the SCOM MI instance.
  3. DB Host URL:
    The URL of the SCOM MI database server. This value can be found in the Reports section of the SCOM MI instance. Keep the comma and port after the URL.
  4. Username:
    Enter the username of a SQL account to logon to SCOM MI.

    The username must have data warehouse reader permissions to access SCOM MI data.

  5. Password:
    Enter the password of the SQL account.
  6. Optionally, select whether you would like to restrict access to this data source instance. By default, restricted access is set to off.

  7. Click Add.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

How to add the SCOM Managed Instance (MI) On-Prem data source

The SCOM Managed Instance On-Premi data source is for accessing on-premi data in the SCOM MI PaaS monitoring service. Use the instructions in this section to configure SCOM MI On-Prem and add the SCOM MI On-Prem data source to SquaredUp.

If you only have the traditional on-prem SCOM (and have followed the instructions to add the SCOM data source above) and do not have SCOM MI then you do not need to use this section to add the SCOM MI data source.

Before you start

Configure SCOM Managed Instance in Azure

  1. Log in to the Azure Portal.
  2. Search for SCOM Managed Instance and click on the instance to connect to SquaredUp.
  3. Under Reports click the PowerBI tab.
  4. Copy DB Name and DB Host URL. You will use these in the next section adding the data source to SquaredUp.
  5. Click the SquaredUp link at the bottom of the page to login to your SquaredUp organization, and follow the steps in the next section to add the data source.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Agent Group:
    Select the Agent Group that contains the agent(s) you want to use.

  3. DB Name:
    The database name of the SCOM MI data warehouse. This value can be found in the Reports section of the SCOM MI instance.
  4. DB Host URL:
    The URL of the SCOM MI database server. This value can be found in the Reports section of the SCOM MI instance. Keep the comma and port after the URL.
  5. Username:
    Enter the username of a SQL account to logon to SCOM MI.

    The username must have data warehouse reader permissions to access SCOM MI data.

  6. Password:
    Enter the password of the SQL account.
  7. Optionally, select whether you would like to restrict access to this data source instance. By default, restricted access is set to off.

  8. Click Add.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

Using the SCOM data streams

Data streams

The following data streams are installed with this plugin.


This data stream calls an API endpoint to get metrics from your SCOM instance, and allows you to enter a custom object name, counter name and instance name.

  1. In the tile editor, filter by the SCOM data source, select Metric from the data stream list and then click Next.
  2. Select the objects that you want to use and then click Next.
  3. Enter an Object Name, for example: LogicalDisk.
  4. Enter a Counter Name, for example: Free Megabytes.
  5. Optionally, enter an Instance Name.
  6. Optionally, enter the Top N number of items you want to see.
  7. Check Sort descending if you want to sort the results descending instead of ascending.

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