MySQL plugin

For more information about what this plugin does and the data streams it retrieves, see:


The data source is available as a Cloud data source and also as an on-prem data source. This data source allows for the connection from the on-prem SquaredUp agent to any MySQL instance which is available to connect to with SQL Login.

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

Before you start

Configuring and deploying an agent

If you have already created an agent in SquaredUp that you can use for this data source, you can skip this step and choose the agent group you want to use while Configuring the data source.

See one of the following, depending on your platform type:

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Agent Group:
    Select the Agent Group that contains the agent(s) you want to use.

    This field will only appear if you are adding the MySQL on-prem data source.

  3. Username:
    Enter the SQL login username
  4. Password:
    The SQL login password
  5. Server:
    The server address or IP which to connect to. Do not include a port with the SERVER value.

    If you are adding the MySQL on-prem data source, the server must be accessible from the machine running the SquaredUp on-prem agent.

  6. Database:
    The name of the database which to initially connect to. Any queries executed without a database explicitly set will be run against this database.
  7. Port:
    The port to use to connect to SQL. The default is 3306, but can be changed as needed.
  8. Object Query (optional):
    The MySQL Server Connection can create objects in the Knowledge Graph index and these can be used to create context sensitive objects and drill-downs.
  9. Relationship Query (optional):
    If you are creating objects with the Object Query set in the previous step, you can relate those objects in the Knowledge Graph.
  10. Restrict access to this data source:
    You can enable this option if you only want certain users or groups to have access to the data source, or the permission to link it to new workspaces. See data source access control for more information.

  11. Click Add.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

Next steps

Data streams standardize data from all the different shapes and formats your tools use into a straightforward tabular format.

While creating a tile you can tweak data streams by grouping or aggregating specific columns.

Depending on the kind of data, SquaredUp will automatically suggest how to visualize the result, for example as a table or line graph.

Data streams can be either global or scoped:

  • Global data streams are unscoped and return information of a general nature (e.g. "Get the current number of unused hosts").
  • A scoped data stream gets information relevant to the specific set objects supplied in the tile scope (e.g. "Get the current session count for these hosts").

Data streams

The following data streams are installed with this plugin.

When using the data source to create data streams you have the option to create three different query types, as detailed below. The use of dynamic {{mustache}} properties is supported and is detailed following the types.

Mustache Parameters

A mustache parameter is a dynamic value, the actual value will be inserted to replace the field in curly braces. For example, {{timeframe.start}} will insert the start time based on the timeframe configured within the tile, or {{name}} will insert the name of the object(s) in scope.

Check the relevant data source documentation to see which fields accept mustache parameters. See Data Sources

  • Only scoped data streams are able to insert properties from objects in scope, such as sourceIds, sourceId and targetNodes. They will also be able to use other properties such as timeframe.
  • Global data streams are able to use other properties, such as timeframe.

See Data Streams

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