Jenkins plugin

This plugin allows you to add a data source that exposes the basic and core Jenkins components for users to visualize. You are able to index:

  • Projects (formally Jobs)
  • Controller
  • Plugins
  • Views
  • Folders

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Jenkins Server URL:
    Enter the URL to the Jenkins API.
  3. Username:
    Enter the username for your Jenkins account.

    The account must have API access.

  4. Password:
    Enter the password for your Jenkins account.
  5. Install Sample Dashboards:
    Select whether you would like to install sample dashboards with the data source. By default, this is set to on.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

  6. Restrict access to this data source:
    You can enable this option if you only want certain users or groups to have access to the data source, or the permission to link it to new workspaces. See data source access control for more information.

  7. Click Test and add to validate the data source configuration. SquaredUp will now attempt to connect to SquaredUp using the provided authentication method. If this process fails, see Testing and troubleshooting for assistance with the corresponding errors.

Next steps

OOB Dashboards

A single sample dashboard is included which utilizes all data streams included with the data source. It is titled Jenkins Activity and shows the status of the builds, data sources, and nodes.

Data streams

The following data streams are installed with this plugin.

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