Azure DevOps plugin

For more information about what this plugin does and the data streams it retrieves, see:

Azure DevOps

Monitor the Builds and Releases from your Azure DevOps environment.

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

Before you start

Azure DevOps data source for SquaredUp support two authentication methods, Microsoft Entra ID and Personal Access Token (PAT).

  • Microsoft Entra ID: This method allows the data source instance to access Azure DevOps using a user account. It provides less granular control over permissions, which is not ideal from a "least privilege" perspective but can be useful when experimenting with the data source in non-production environments.

    For this feature to work, you must ensure that your Azure DevOps organization is connected on the Microsoft Entra tab of the Azure DevOps Settings page -{Your_Organization}/_settings/organizationAad

  • Personal Access Token (PAT): This method is recommended for production environments, as it allows you to create a token with granular permissions.

If you are using Microsoft Entra ID instead of a PAT, you can skip the section below and proceed to the Configuring the Data Source section.

Generating a Personal Access Token

Follow the steps below to generate a PAT, or for additional information, please refer to the Azure DevOps Documentation.

  1. Sign in to your organization ({Your_Organization})
  2. From your home page, open user settings and select Personal access tokens.
  3. Select + New Token.
  4. Name your token, select the organization where you want to use the token, and then set your token to automatically expire after a set number of days.
  5. Select the scopes for this token to authorize. You can select Show all scopes to view all scopes.
  6. Select Create.
  7. Your token is now displayed, select Copy and store the token securely. You will need this when configuring the data source in SquaredUp.
    Zendesk create personal access token

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Product:
    Select Azure DevOps Cloud.
  3. Organization Name:
    Enter the name of the Azure DevOps organization you want to use for this data source.
  4. Authentication type:
    Select the method for SquaredUp to connect to your Azure DevOps. See Before you start section to decide which option suites your requirement:
  5. Restrict access to this data source:
    You can enable this option if you only want certain users or groups to have access to the data source, or the permission to link it to new workspaces. See data source access control for more information.

  6. Install sample dashboards:
    Leaving this option enabled will install the sample dashboards detailed below into the current workspace.
  7. Click Test and add to validate the data source configuration. SquaredUp will now attempt to connect to SquaredUp using the provided authentication method. If this process fails, see Testing and troubleshooting for assistance with the corresponding errors.

Testing and troubleshooting

When the data source is added or edited, SquaredUp validates your selected authentication method against the provided organization to ensure that you have access. If you are using a Personal Access Token, it will also check its validity.

The errors or warnings listed below may be displayed while using the Azure DevOps data source. If you encounter an error, please refer to the guidance provided below or contact [email protected] for assistance.

What to do
Unable to retrieve projects. Check personal access token.
Azure DevOps doesn’t provide an endpoint to verify the token; therefore, SquaredUp attempts to list projects in the provided organization using the chosen authentication method.
If you encounter this error, ensure that the Organization Name is valid and that the provided authentication method has at least Project view permission.
Unable to access global analytics. You may not be able to use analytics based data streams until you grant analytics permissions.
This warning is displayed if SquaredUp encounters an error while trying to access the analytics endpoint. Unless you do not plan to use analytics-based data streams, you must provide Read access to Analytics. Please check that the user has Analytics read permission.
If you are using a Personal Access Token (PAT), ensure that it has read access for Analytics.
WARNING: No permissions to import ‘Type’ (e.g. Build Folders, Builds/ Release Folders/ Releases/ Environment/ Task Groups, Deployment Groups/ Repositories/ Feeds/ Queries’
This warning is displayed if SquaredUp encounters an error while indexing the displayed type from your Azure DevOps organization. This likely indicates a permission error.
Confirm that the token or the user has at least read permission for the displayed type in the warning. If you do not plan to use data streams for that type, you can ignore the warning.

Next Steps

Now that you have successfully added the data source, you can browse the sample dashboards, view all available data streams, or explore any indexed objects.

Sample dashboards

When configuring the Azure DevOps data source, you have the option to Install sample dashboards. This option is recommended as these dashboards provide a great starting point. The following dashboards are included with the Azure DevOps data source:

  • Pipeline: Overview: Displays key metrics for the selected pipeline, such as Build Status (Failures, Total Runs, Run Duration), Task Failures, and Test Statistics.
  • Pipeline: Trends: Provides an in-depth analysis of the selected pipeline to understand various trends such as Run Duration, Build Success Rate, Automated Test Run Duration Trend, Agent Usage, and more.
  • Release & Deployment Overview: Displays key release and deployment metrics for the selected release pipeline, such as a list of releases and deployments, release and deployment frequencies, and the latest releases and deployments.
  • Repos Overview: Displays metrics for the selected repository, such as PR statistics (recent PRs, open PRs, PRs by author, and more), branch state, and latest commits.
  • Work Item Overview: Displays a summary of work items for the selected project, such as Bugs and Epic statistics, and a summary of your current sprint.
    Work items overview sample dashboard

Objects Indexed

SquaredUp indexesfifteentypes of objects from your Azure DevOps organization. These objects are used to build dashboards and are visible when searching across SquaredUp. Drilling down into an object will provide useful metrics and properties.

  • Default Team
  • Revision
  • Visibility
  • Description
  • Name
  • Links
Build Folder
  • Name
  • Links
  • Created By
  • Created On
  • Path
  • Project Name
Build Pipeline
  • Authored By
  • Created Data
  • Build Id
  • Path
  • Quality
  • Queue Status
  • Project Name
  • Pool Id
  • Queue Id
  • Name
  • Links
Release Folder
  • Description
  • Created On
  • Created By
  • Path
  • Project Name
  • Name and Links
Release Pipeline
  • Description
  • Created On
  • Created By
  • Path
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Links
  • Release Id
  • Release Name
  • Format and Source
  • Description
  • Created By
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Links
  • Created Date and Environment Id
Task Group
  • Authored By
  • Created Date
  • Task Group Id
  • Runs On
  • Category
  • Tasks
  • Revision
  • Description
  • Project Name
  • Name and Links
  • Project Name
  • Name, Links
  • Source
  • Ref Name
  • Branch Id
  • Project Id
  • Repository Name
  • Repo Id
Repo Folder
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Links
  • Source
  • Item Path
  • Folder Id
  • Project Id
  • Branch Name
  • Repository Name
  • Repo Id
Artifact Feed
  • Description
  • Project Name
  • Name, Links
  • Feed Id
  • Feed Project Id
  • Feed Scope
  • Capabilities
  • Hide Delete
  • Package Versions
Artifact Package
  • Name
  • Links
  • Artifact Id
  • Protocol Type
  • Feed Name
  • Feed Id
  • Feed Scope
  • Feed Project Id
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Links
  • Created By
  • Query Id
  • Path
  • Query Type
  • WIQL
  • Is Public
Deployment Group
  • Project Name
  • Name, Links
  • Deployment Group Id
  • Machine Count
  • Pool Id
  • Pool Name
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Links
  • Repo Id
  • Remote URL
  • Default Branch
  • Is Disabled
Environment Resource
  • Project Name
  • Name
  • Environment Id
  • Environment Resource Id
  • Tag(s)
Within the Map, the relationships between the objects are:

Project ——contains——> Build Folder ——contains——> Build Pipeline

Project ——contains——> Release Folder ——contains——> Release Pipeline

Project ——contains——> Environment ——contains——> Environment Resource

Project ——contains——> Task Group

Project ——contains——> Repo Folder ——contains——> Repo ——contains——> Branch

Project ——contains——> Artifact Feed ——contains——> Artifact Package

Project ——contains——> Query

Project ——contains——> Deployment Group

Data streams

The following data streams are installed with this plugin.

Data stream
Active Pull Requests
Returns pull request(s) for the selected branch(s) or repo(s). Optionally, parameters can be used to filter the data returned. Supported parameters are:
  • Use tile timeframe:
    Limits pull requests to the tile timeframe.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of pull requests based on the specified number.
  • Creator:
    Limits pull request(s) to those created by the specified creator.
  • Reviewer:
    Limits pull requests to those reviewed or reviewing by the specified reviewer.
  • Tag(s):
    Limits pull requests to those with the specified tag(s).
Agent Pool Consumption
Returns agent pool consumption for the selected project(s).
Optionally, OData Query Parameters and Filter Expressions can be used to get data based on your requirements. For example:
  • OData Query Parameter:
        "$apply": "filter(IsRunning eq true AND IsHosted eq true)",
        "$orderby": "SamplingTime asc"
  • JSON Filter Expression:
        "and": [
            { "IsRunning": true },
            { "IsHosted": true }
Agent Runs
Returns agent run data for the selected project(s).
Agent Usage
Returns agent usage in the specified build folder(s), build pipeline(s) and/or Project(s).
All Pull Requests
Returns all pull request(s) associated with the selected branch(s) and/or in the selected repo(s)
  • Use tile timeframe:
    Limits pull request to the tile timeframe. When selected you can choose the timeframe basis on either PRs Created or Closed time.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of pull requests based on the specified number.
  • Creator:
    Limits pull requests to those created by the specified creator.
  • Reviewer:
    Limits pull requests to those reviewed or reviewing by the specified reviewer.
  • Tag(s):Limits pull requests to those with the specified tag(s).
Analytics (Global)
Returns data based on your analytics query without using a specific source.

Generally, scoped access should be used over global access unless there is a specific reason not to, such as needing data from multiple projects.

Scoped access is faster and less likely to run into permissions issues, like accidentally trying to access a project you do not have access to.

Parameters must be provided to return data. Supported parameters are:
  • Entity Type (Endpoint):
    Specifies the endpoint to call, effectively the table from which you want to start your query.
    This is the only mandatory field, but the API will give you a warning if you do not configure any query options, as the response may be too large to handle.
  • Query:
    Enter your query in the Query field. You can use mustache to replace statically defined values like pipeline ID and dates, allowing you to peg queries tightly to a specific object or dashboard time frame. For more information on creating a query, see the Azure DevOps documentation..
  • Select:
    Limits the names of the columns to return.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of data returned.
  • Skip:
    Skips a specified number of records.
Analytics (Scoped)
Returns data based on your analytics query with the selected Build Pipeline and / or Project.
Parameters must be provided to return data. Supported parameters are:
  • Entity Type (Endpoint):
    Specifies the endpoint to call, effectively the table from which you want to start your query.
    This is the only mandatory field, but the API will give you a warning if you do not configure any query options, as the response may be too large to handle.
  • Query:
    Enter your query in the Query field. You can use mustache to replace statically defined values like pipeline ID and dates, allowing you to peg queries tightly to a specific object or dashboard time frame. For more information on creating a query, see the Azure DevOps documentation..
  • Select:
    Limits the names of the columns to return.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of data returned.
  • Skip:
    Skips a specified number of records.
Artifact Package Versions
Returns published version(s) of the selected Artifact Package(s).
Artifact Packages
Returns package(s) for the selected Artifact Feed(s).
Branch Status
Returns branch status for the selected branch(es) or for all branch(es) in the selected repo(s).
Branch Durations
Returns build duration for the selected pipeline(s) and/or for all build pipeline(s) in the selected build folder(s) and/or project(s).
Build Failures
Returns build failure(s) for the selected pipeline(s) and/or for all build pipeline(s) in the selected build folder(s) and/or project(s).
Build Runs
Returns build run(s) for the selected pipeline(s) and/or for all build pipeline(s) in the selected build folder(s) and/or project(s). Optionally, the following parameters can be used to filter the data returned:
  • Top:
    Limits the number of build run(s) returned based on the specified number.
  • Trigger:
    Limits the build run(s) returned based on the specified trigger.
  • Result:
    Limits the build run(s) returned based on the specified result.
  • Status:
    Limits the build run(s) returned based on the specified status.

    Some status filters cannot be used with result filters. For example, an In Progress build will never have a result as it has not finished yet.

  • Build IDs:
    Limits the build run(s) returned based on the specified comma-separated list of build IDs.
  • Branch:
    Limits the build run(s) returned based on the specified branch.

    The specified branch must start with the prefix `refs/heads/` to function correctly.

Build Runs with Stages
Returns build run(s) with stages for the selected multistage build pipeline(s)
Build in Progress
Returns build(s) in progress for the selected pipeline(s) and/or for all build pipeline(s) in the selected build folder(s) and/or project(s).
Returns commit(s) in the selected Branch(s), Repo(s) and/or Repo Folder(s). Optionally, the following parameters can be used to filter the data returned:
  • Branch Name:
    Limits the number of commit(s) returned based on the specified branch. It defaults to default branch if not specified. Relevant when using Repo(s) or Repo Folder(s) as your object
  • Author:
    Limits the number of commits to the specified author.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of commit(s) returned based on the specified number.
Commits in Build Runs
Returns commit(s) for the selected pipeline.

This data stream has the potential to make many API calls therefore we have implemented a limit on the number of builds that can be pulled in one go. We also offer the choice to limit the number of builds pulled by filtering to various specific statuses.

Parameters can be used to filter the data returned. Supported parameters are:
  • Top Builds:
    Mandatory field that allows you to limit the number of commit(s) returned based on the specified number.
  • Build Trigger:
    Limits the commits to build run(s) returned based on the specified trigger.
  • Result:
    Limits the commits to build run(s) returned based on the specified result.
  • Status:
    Limits the commits to build run(s) returned based on the specified status.

    Some status filters cannot be used with result filters. For example, an In Progress build will never have a result as it has not finished yet.

Completed Pull Requests
Returns completed pull request(s) associated with the selected branch(s) and/or in the selected repo(s). The following parameters are available:
  • Use tile timeframe:
    Limits completed pull request(s) to the tile timeframe. When selected the timeframe basis can be selected on either PRs Created or Closed time.
  • Top:
    Limits the number of completed pull request(s) based on the specified number.
  • Creator:
    Limits completed pull request(s) to those created by the specified creator.
  • Reviewer:
    Limits completed pull request(s) to those reviewed by the specified reviewer.
  • Tag(s):
    Limits completed pull request(s) to those with the specified tag(s).
Deployment Pools
Returns deployment pool(s) in your organization.
Deployment Targets
Returns deployment target(s) for the selected deployment group(s).
Returns a list of deployments for a release.
Environment Deployment Build Runs
Returns build run(s) for the selected environment(s).
Environment Deployment Records
Returns deployment record(s) for the selected environment(s).
Job Queues
Returns agent queues data for the selected build folder(s), build pipeline(s), and/or project(s).
Pipeline Run Activity Results
Returns pipeline run activities for pipeline(s) in the selected build folder(s), build pipeline(s), and/or pipeline(s) in project(s). OData query parameters which is mandatory, and filter expressions can be used to get data based on your requirements.
  • OData Query Parameter: Enter your query in the Query field. You can use mustache to replace statically defined values like pipeline ID and dates, allowing you to peg queries tightly to a specific object or dashboard time frame. See Stage wise failures, Task duration and Task duration trend documentation for some examples.

    The following example of OData query filters pipeline run activities for a specific pipeline ({{buildId}}) within a given timeframe ({{timeframe.start}}). It includes activities that are either tasks or have no specified type. The results are then ordered by the pipeline run completion date in ascending order. This query only works when the selected object is of Build Pipeline Type.
        "$apply": "filter(Pipeline/PipelineId eq {{buildId}} and ActivityCompletedDate ge {{timeframe.start}} and (ActivityType eq null or ActivityType eq 'Task'))",
        "$order": "PipelineRunCompletedDateSK asc"

    You may see encounter an error Function.ResponseSizeTooLarge: Response payload size exceeded maximum allowed payload size (6291556 bytes). In this scenario, provide a filter to only get the data you are interested in.

  • JSON Filter Expression:
    Filters the data based on the provided filter expression.
    For Example, the following filter will only return pipelines where the run outcome and task outcome are failed.
        "and": [
            { "PipelineRunOutcome": "Failed" },
            { "TaskOutcome": "Failed" }
Query Work Items
Returns work items based on the selected query(s) saved in Azure DevOps Queries.
Release Runs
Returns releases for the selected release pipeline(s) and/or pipeline(s) in the selected project and/or release folder(s). Optionally, parameters can be used to filter or show more information. The following parameters are supported:
  • Top:
    Returns a specific number of results. Useful if you only want the latest release etc.
  • Status:
    Limits the release run(s) based on the specified status.
  • Show stages:
    Displays individual release stage(s) and their status. When selected, you can choose the column style:
    • Detail: Displays stage columns with headers reflecting the stage name and shows the status in the column cell.
    • Summary: Displays stage columns with numerical headers for each stage and shows the status in the column cell. This choice is useful when there are release runs in the data with various stages, as it can significantly reduce the number of columns. Hover over a status cell in the column to view the stage name.
  • Show artifacts:
    Displays artifacts used for the release
  • Show tags:
    Displays the release pipeline's tag(s).

If you experience excessive timeouts with this data stream, try using it without tags, artifacts, and stages, as each incurs added API costs.

Task Failures
Returns task(s) that have failed in builds for the selected build pipeline(s), build folder(s), and/or projects.
Task Group Contents
Returns task(s) for the selected Task Group(s).
Task Group References
Returns task references, showing where the tasks are used in build or release pipeline(s), for the selected task group(s).
Task Group Revisions
Returns task group revision(s), showing when they were changed, for the selected task group(s).
WIQL Query
Returns work item(s) based on the provided query for the selected project(s). The following parameter is mandatory:
  • WIQL Query:
    Returns work items based on the provided Work Item Query Language. For more information on creating a query, see the Azure DevOps documentation.

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