AWS plugin

For more information about what this plugin does and the data streams it retrieves, see:


Monitor your AWS environment, including EC2, Lambda Functions, CloudWatch and more.

To add a data source click on the + next to Data Sources on the left-hand menu in SquaredUp. Search for the data source and click on it to open the Configure data source page.

Loom video thumbnail

Before you start

SquaredUp uses IAM Role based authentication as the default method of connecting to AWS and providing permissions to the plugin.

To make this process as easy as possible, when configuring the data source and the IAM Role Based option is selected, you're presented with a Create IAM role button.

Create iam role button
Clicking this button takes you to the Quick create stack page of the AWS console, where a CloudFormation template is automatically populated with the information needed to create an IAM role with read access to your AWS environment.
Quick create stack page
Simply click the Create stack button to begin role creation. This may take a few moments to complete and progress can be viewed on the Events tab of the Stack details page.

Once role creation has completed, select the Ouputs tab to view the rest of the credentials required for adding the data source to SquaredUp.

AWS role stack output

Alternative authentication

While IAM Role authentication is strongly encouraged, SquaredUp also supports IAM User based authentication when configuring the AWS data source. This requires The Access key ID and Secret access key of an IAM user with programmatic access.

Additionally, if you don't want to use the IAM Role button to automatically generate credentials (although this is also strongly encouraged), you can choose to manually configure an IAM Role for the plugin.

Configuring the data source

  1. Display Name:
    Enter a name for your data source. This helps you to identify this data source in the list of your data sources.

  2. Authentication Type:
    Select one of the following options depending on your chosen authentication method:
    • IAM Role Based:
      This is the default authentication method and strongly encouraged (see Authentication). Click the Create IAM Role button to generate the necessary credentials in AWS, then complete the following fields:
      • Role ARN: Copy and paste the RoleArn from AWS.
      • External ID: Copy and paste the ExternalId from AWS.
      • Target Regions: Copy and paste the Region from AWS.
      • Account ID: Copy and paste the AccountId from AWS.
      • Account Name: Enter a name to help you remember which account and credentials you have used above. For example, enter Prod to remind you that you used the production account details.
    • IAM User Based:
      Supply the credentials for an IAM User with programmatic access. See
  3. Install Sample Dashboards:
    Select whether you would like to install sample dashboards with the data source. By default, this is set to on.

    You can also add a data source from Settings > Data Sources > Add data source, but sample dashboards are not added when using this method.

  4. Restrict access to this data source:
    You can enable this option if you only want certain users or groups to have access to the data source, or the permission to link it to new workspaces. See data source access control for more information.

  5. Click Test and add to validate the data source configuration. SquaredUp will now attempt to connect to SquaredUp using the provided authentication method. If this process fails, see Testing and troubleshooting for assistance with the corresponding errors.

    The index time will depend on the size of your AWS environment.

Testing and troubleshooting

The following errors or warnings may be displayed while using the data source. If you encounter an error, refer to the guidance below or contact [email protected] for assistance.

What to do
Check AWS Access Credentials
Ensure that the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key you are using are correct. Double-check for any typos or formatting issues.
Validate IAM Role Permissions
Ensure that the IAM role associated with your AWS account has the necessary permissions to access the AWS services and resources required.
If you are using an External ID, confirm that it has been configured correctly in both the IAM role and the data source definition.
Review IAM Role Trust Relationships
Verify that the IAM role's trust relationship policy allows the correct AWS account to assume the role. This is especially important as cross-account access is being used

Next steps

Objects indexed

SquaredUp indexes the following objects. These objects are used to build dashboards and are visible when searching across SquaredUp. Drilling down into an object will provide useful metrics and properties.

An AWS account is an entity that you create to use AWS services.
Cognito User Pool
Amazon Cognito user pools provide a secure user directory that scales to millions of users.
AWS WAF Web ACLs help protect web applications from common web exploits.
CloudWatch Alarm
CloudWatch Alarms send notifications or automatically make changes based on rules.
MWAA Workspace
Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) is a managed orchestration service for Apache Airflow.
ELB Target Group
Target groups are used to route requests to one or more registered targets (such as EC2 instances) in a load balancer.
ElastiCache Redis
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is a blazing fast in-memory data store that provides sub-millisecond latency.
ElastiCache Memcached
Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached is a Memcached-compatible in-memory key-value store service.
AWS Budgets allows you to set custom cost and usage budgets and receive alerts when you exceed them.
Backup Job
AWS Backup enables you to centralize and automate data protection across AWS services.
Backup Plan
AWS Backup Plan enables you to define your backup requirements and then backup and restore across AWS services.

Data streams

The following data streams are installed with this plugin.

Data stream
Shows the execution of actions within stages of pipelines.
All AWS Support Cases
Retrieves all support cases created in the specified time frame.
Retrieves the details and states of the specified budgets.
Budget Alerts/Notifications
Retrieves the alerts and notifications for the specified budgets.
CloudWatch Logs
Displays CloudWatch Log data.
  • Region:
    Enter the AWS region to target.
  • Log Groups:
    For each log group you wish to query, paste or type its name or ARN and then hit return.
  • Limit:
    Enter the number of results per query returned.
  • Query:
    Use a log insights query (using the syntax supported by the CloudWatch > Logs Insights page in the AWS console).
CloudWatch Alarms
Retrieves AWS CloudWatch alarm details.
CloudWatch Metric
Retrieves AWS metrics information for one or more objects.
  • Metric:
    Enter the metric name from CloudWatch.
  • Statistic:
    Specify the required statistic. Note that the list of valid statistics varies from metric to metric; consult the AWS documentation page for the metric you are querying to find the list of valid statistics.
  • Period:
    Enter the aggregation period for metric query; optionally with unit suffix, 's' for seconds (default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours.
CloudWatch Metric List
List of CloudWatch metrics.
CloudWatch Metrics Query
Query CloudWatch Metric data using an Insights SQL query or raw metric source JSON.
  • Region:
    Specify the AWS region to target.
  • Query:
    Enter a CloudWatch Metric Insights SQL Query (or copy the JSON from CloudWatch Metrics source tab).

    A region value must be supplied for each expression that refers to a row that is not in the default Region which you previously selected.

Concurrent Executions
The number of function instances that are processing events.
Cost (Account)
Retrieves AWS account cost/usage by service.
Cost (Account - Configurable)
Retrieves AWS account cost/usage by service.
  • Metric:
    Enter the metric name from the Cost Explorer.
  • Granularity:
    Select the data granularity.
  • Group By:
    Add grouping for the cost request by DIMENSION, TAG, or COST.
  • Filter By:
    Add filtering for the cost request using an expression.
Cost Anomalies (Account)
Displays Cost Explorer Anomalies.
Cost Anomalies (Global)
Displays Cost Explorer Anomalies (un-scoped).
Cost (Global)
Retrieves AWS account cost/usage by service (un-scoped).
Cost (Global - Configurable)
Retrieves AWS account cost/usage by service (un-scoped).
  • Metric:
    Enter the metric name from the Cost Explorer.
  • Granularity:
    Select the data granularity.
  • Group By:
    Add grouping for the cost request by DIMENSION, TAG, or COST.
  • Filter By:
    Add filtering for the cost request using an expression.
The total number of API requests in a given period.
Data Processed
The amount of data processed in bytes.
The amount of time that your function code spends processing an event.
DynamoDB Metric
Retrieves AWS DynamoDB CloudWatch metrics information for one or more DynamoDB tables.
  • Metric:
    Enter the metric name from CloudWatch.
  • Statistic:
    Specify the required statistic. The list of valid statistics varies from metric to metric- consult the AWS documentation page for the metric you are querying to find the list of valid statistics.
  • Operation (optional):
    Enter the operation name from CloudWatch (only required for Table Operation metrics).
ELB Health
Retrieves the status of the specified Elastic Load Balancers.
Environment Status
Retrieves the status of the specified MWAA environments.
The number of invocations that result in a function error.
Returns the most recent executions of pipelines.
Instance Status Checks
Retrieves the instance status checks for the provided objects.
Instance Health
Retrieves the instance health for the provided objects.
The number of times that your function code is invoked.
Displays CloudWatch Log data for the selected lambda functions.
Open AWS Support Cases (Anytime)
Retrieves open support cases.
Regions List
List of AWS Regions.
S3 Metric
Retrieves AWS S3 CloudWatch metrics information for one or more S3 buckets.
  • Metric:
    Enter the metric name from CloudWatch.
  • Statistic:
    Specify the required statistic. The list of valid statistics varies from metric to metric- consult the AWS documentation page for the metric you are querying to find the list of valid statistics.
  • Storage type:
    Choose between which storage type you want to use as a dimension in your CloudWatch query.
  • Other Storage type:
    Choose between which storage type you want to use as a dimension in your CloudWatch query if not specified above.
State History
Retrieves AWS CloudWatch alarm state changes over time.
Shows the status of stages within a pipeline.
Returns the status of scoped pipelines.
Synthetics Runs
Displays CloudWatch Synthetics historical runs.
The number of invocation requests that are throttled.
Volume Health
Retrieves the instance health for the provided objects.

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