Troubleshooting tiles

Tiles can occasionally display a warning as a result of an issue when trying to fetch data from the data source. Typically a warning will be shown if multiple requests are being made to the underlying data source and some of those requests encounter an issue. There are several standard warning messages shown for common issues:

Authentication failure

Authentication failures occurred, please verify the settings are correct in your data source. The data stream may have incomplete data.

When this message is shown, you should verify the configuration of the data source, either via the Data Sources menu in the left-hand menu, or via the Data Sources page under Settings. Confirm that the credentials are valid, have not expired and have the appropriate permissions.

Resource not found

A resource was not found, please perform an import on your data source. The data stream may have incomplete data.

This message is typically shown when a data source has not completed an import, or the tile is configured against an object that is no longer found in the target data source (e.g. it may have been deleted or SquaredUp no longer has permission to see the specified object). You should verify the tile configuration is still valid and confirm the data source is configured correctly, including any appropriate permissions.

Rate limiting

The data source has throttled the request, please try again later. The data stream may have incomplete data.

When this warning is shown we have received a rate limiting error from the target data source. This typically means too many requests have been made to the underlying data source in a short space of time. To workaround this you can try to reduce the number of requests being made by reducing the number of tiles on the dashboard showing the warning. Alternatively you may be able to request a quota increase from the underlying data source.

Internal error

The data source has encountered an internal error, please try again later. The data stream may have incomplete data.

The data source has encountered an error. The data stream may have incomplete data.

This error indicates something has failed with the data source itself. This can be as a result of multiple issues and it’s worth ensuring all configuration of the tile and data source is valid and ensuring permissions are configured appropriately. If the tile continues to show this warning it may be worth contacting support who can investigate the issue further.

Scope not found

The selected scope was not found, it may have been removed.

This message is typically shown when the tile is referencing a scope that no longer exists in the current workspace. You should verify the tile configuration is still valid and select a new scope where needed.

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